When you need to file a claim, contact your insurance company. You can do this by either contacting your agent, or dialing the number that’s on the back of your insurance card. Check with your agent to see what your deductible is and if you have any rental vehicle coverage on your policy.
After talking to your agent, you can make an estimate appointment, or simply stop into our free drive up estimating bay. Information you’ll need includes your deductible, claim number, and rental car coverage to name a few.
Once we complete the estimate, we can email or fax it to the insurance company. The insurance company taking care of the repairs will review and approve an initial estimate. Once that is decided, you can set up an appointment for repairs, and figure out loaner or rental vehicle arrangements.
We’ll be happy to help you through this stressful time. Give us a call or stop into Markquart Auto Body – just off Business 53 between Eau Claire & Chippewa Falls.